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* This is only guides to work with broken glass and should not be seen as the complete safety way to handle broken glass. Every situation is unique and we advice rather to call us to come and check out the situation.

Remember: Broken glass is dangerous and should rather be handled by professionals.

1. Remove people from the area - especially children and pets.
2. Wear shoes at all times after glass is broken in the area.
3. First try to vacuum up broken glass rather than trying to pick it up.
4. Wear leather / thick rubber gloves to pick up large pieces of glass if confident and the glass is still in tack.
5. Wear eye protection to prevent glass pieces from blowing of shattering into your eyes.
6. If raining, try to attach plastic bag to frame where possible, if at all.
7. Do not stand underneath broken glass at any time.
8. If glass door or window has a crack, carefully stick masking tape across cracks.

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